Burghfield Bomb Factory Blockaded by Anti-Trident Protesters

Press Release 24 October 2018 Early this morning a group of Trident Ploughshares  activists from across the UK converged on Burghfield Atomic Weapons Establishment near Burghfield. They blocked approach roads, preventing workers from entering. Hidden in the leafy lanes of…

International Peace Fast 2018

Trident Ploughshares members took part in the International Fast from Aug 6-9th this year to commemorate the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.In London the Fast was small but strong, blowing bubble not bombs at 10 Downing Street, and chalking messages…

New Video from Westminster Chain In

45 TP people chanined ourselves to the railings in June calling on the UK Government to sign the Nuclear Weapons Ban Treaty. The video features MPs from Labour, Plaid Cymru and the Greens who came out to show their support.

Westminster 20th June 2018 Chain-in action

Almost 50 people chained onto the railings at the Houses of Parliament, opposite Portcullis House. They were supported by another 50 or so people who handed out hundreds of leaflets and included a choir from Knighton, in Wales. MPs were…

Some pictures of the Chainers on June 20th 2018

A rather quick view down the line of Trident Ploughshares activists and supporters chained on to the railings at Westminster on Wednesday 20th June 2018. 40 activists ?have chained themselves to the railings of the House of Commons calling on…