Why We Dialogue

Dialogue and negotiation with the Government and other state institutions, such as the police and the judiciary, is seen as a very necessary part of the TP campaign. If there is any willingness at all, on the part of the British Government, to actually fulfil their international and humanitarian obligations by disarming Trident themselves, then we will not have to undertake this work ourselves and can stop our ploughshares actions.

We need to have dialogue to make sure that we are listening to the Government and state institutions and continually checking that our aims, objectives and actions remain appropriate within the changing circumstances. We also need to apply the pressure of rational, logical discussion, to ask awkward questions, show up inconsistencies and hypocrisies, – all the abuses which eventually develop in those holding power.

In the first few years of TP very many dialogue letters were sent to the UK authorities and you can find them HERE on the archive website.

A few of the more recent ones can be seen under the Government and Military tab.