Peace Woman enters Nuclear Base via Canoe

On 14th June, the 5th day of the FABB camp, Ginnie Herbert entered the naval base at Coulport. She was accompanied by 3 other peace and environmental activists in their single canoes with banners flying. 2 independent press photographers witnessed…


6.45am Monday 13th June around 20 peace protesters arrived at the main gate for their daily vigil for nuclear disarmament. The police seemed more intent on protecting the war crime preparations but nevertheless were friendly. Suddenly 5 women from ‘Greenham…

Events for FABB at Faslane and Coulport

Daily vigils everyday from Sunday 12th June to Friday 17th June at North Gate at Faslane and at Coulport Main Gate at 7am to 9am and 4pm to 6pm. Sunday 12th June Protest in Harmony at Faslane North Gate at…