Author: Jane Tallents

Coulport Blockaders in Court

Report from Dumbarton Justice of the Peace Court Wed 24 Jan 2018 Jamie Watson and Peter Anderson appeared on a charge of Breach of the Peace for blockading Coulport during the TP summer camp 2017. Jamie represented himself and Peter…

Defence of Angie Zelter

Trial on 12 Oct 2017 for blockade of Coulport on 11 July 2017 at Dumbarton JP Court. Defence of Angie Zelter Witness Box Identity and Context I am Angie Zelter, 66 years of age and at present resident at 6…

Defence of Sam Donaldson

Trial on 12 Oct 2017 for blockade of Coulport on 11 July 2017 at Dumbarton JP Court. Defence of Sam Donaldson Summing Up I am not “guilty of breaching the peace”, but rather of nonviolently working to build a more…