Newsletter Number 14, June 2002

Content Welcome Block ’n’ Roll! 3-day Blockade Experiences of the Block ’n’ Roll Aldermaston Disarmament Camp June 13 – 18 Timetable and contact details for the camp Devonport Protest Against a Radioactive Environment A New Trident Ploughshares Affinity Group Nuclear…

Newsletter Number 15, Winter 2002

Content Incursions, a blockade, and a ’burglary’ for peace… Aldermaston Disarmament Camp Serco shareholders campaign “One of the most state of the art nuclear weapons plants” …. “a massive nuclear bomb – making factory” Not Vigilant, but Vile: re-naming the…

Newsletter Number 16, Summer 2003

Content Real disarmament at Leuchars Not Endless Discussion – Real Disarmament Now Supporting Ulla and other prisoners My first time in The Really Big Blockade Blowing the whistle on Trident Weapons inspection in Devonport The Bomspotting campaign invites you to…

Newsletter Number 17, Autumn 2003

Contents Trident Ploughshares at Plymouth Armistice Day Trial for Devonport Two Affinity Groups Sixth Coulport Disarmament Camp A First Action at Faslane UK’s Weapons of Mass Destruction programme Non Stop Nukestop begins! Ulla is not in court Direct disarmament against…

Newsletter Number 18, March 2004

CONTENT We will not stand by and knit… Camps and Actions Coulport Camp 18th August to 1st September Carry on Up the Clyde 23rd August 2004 Aldermaston 2004 – the new Aldermaston March 9 – 12 April Next TP Disarmament…

Newsletter Number 19, October 2004

CONTENT Message from a US activist Deep Peace Coulport International Disarmament Camp Pitstop Ploughshares in court again Anti-Trident oratorio in Edinburgh Court TP at Aldermaston Marching to a different drum on Drake’s Hill Bomb-spotting No Need to Mention the War…

Newsletter Number 20, March 2005

CONTENT Nuclear sub blockades Downing Street G8 Peace Bloc Bringing it home to Burghfield Making waves at Faslane… Devonport Disarmament Camp Notes from Devonport Trident: a British war crime How to break Scots law while asleep TP Prisoners Revolting Disabled…

Newsletter Number 22, April 2006

A marriage made in hell Some twenty Trident Ploughshares activists, dressed in unusual Gothic attire, made a colourful and vibrant presence outside the Camel’s Head gate of Devonport Dockyard in Plymouth on 12 February. They arrived to enact the deplorable…

Newsletter Number 23, July 2006

Trident No More – July 2006 Trident No More is a new update sheet from Trident Ploughshares. It has been designed as a single (double-sided) sheet of A4. Please download, print and distribute. Trident No More is available to download…