Trident Ploughshares Says Trident NO Scotland YES

In a lively and entertaining demonstration against the backdrop of Edinburgh Castle during the YES Campaign march on Saturday Trident Ploughshares activists demonstrated their support for Scottish independence and the disarmament of Trident.  Wearing tabards that read TRIDENT NO on the front…

£50 fine for nuclear weapons blockader

Helen Swanston, a 39 year old professional milliner from Cromer, appeared at Newbury Court on 19th October 2013 to answer charges of ‘Obstruction of the Highway’. Helen was part of the ‘Big Blockade’ at Atomic Weapons Establishment,Burghfield during the two week Trident Ploughshares…

Photos from TP / Action AWE Big Blockade of Burghfield

On Monday 3 September affinity groups from 5 European countries, Finns, Scots & frineds, French, Belgians, and Spanish, succeeded in shutting down the AWE (Atomic Weapons Establishment) Burghfield, the UK’s nuclear  bomb factory, for 3 hours. The Scots affinity group…

Action AWE video from Burghfield Camp

We’re taking nonviolent direct action because at the atomic weapons establishment Burghfield, Britain’s nuclear war heads are assembled and maintained, so that the UK has the capability to destroy forty cities at one time.

Nuclear weapons are immoral, illegal under international law, dangerous to maintain and pose a danger to peace on earth.

We want real security. Don’t spend money on nuclear weapons, put it into public services.

Change is possible. Come and join us.