Waking Up in Todmorden

What a full on day it was yesterday. Zoe and I set off from Knucklas to arrive at 10.15am outside the Community Centre in Knighton. We were greeted with smiles, flags, colourful t-shirts and lots of questions as we waited…

PRESS RELEASE Giant Peace Logo departs for Scotland

Peace campaigners from Bristol set off this morning driving over four hundred miles to Glasgow towing a giant peace logo. The journey which is spread over several days will be linking up with peace groups and XR groups for photo-opportunities…

Press Release for Powys press

Press Release……Anti-nuclear Protesters arrive in Knighton…… Press Release with a huge CND symbol. 10.30am Tuesday 7th June at the Knighton Community Centre The UK nuclear weapons based in Scotland at Faslane are an existential threat to the whole world. A…

Letter to Press from CND Campaigner in Cumbria

Dear Editor At the peak of the Cuban missile crisis our day darkened into a night of fear. My father and mother were strangely subdued, fixedly watching the TV. This was the only time that such chilling silence filled our…