TP Activists Paint Faslane Fence: Scrap Trident Ban Nukes

Five protesters Trident Ploughshares activists were arrested today after painting “Scrap Tident Ban Nukes” on the Faslane fence. The five had just enough time to finish painting the last letters of the anti-nuclear message before MOD police arrived and arrested…

Anti-Nuclear Carolling at Lockheed Martin HQ in London

Lockheed Martin Bomb makers, says the sign pointing towards Cunard house, 15 Lower Regent Street. 18 people from Trident Ploughshares and CAAT (Campaign Against the Arms Trade) held banners, leafleted and sang special anti nuclear, peace carols to draw the…

Trident Ploughshares and the Smith Commission

Following the Scottish independence referendum the Smith Commission has been taking the views of political parties and the public on what further powers should be devolved to the Scottish Parliament. Its setting up followed promises by the major UK parties…

Campaigners visit the Secretary of State

On 20th October Trident Ploughshares members visited the office of the Secretary of State for Scotland. One of his roles is to convey the interests of the people of Scotland to the Westminster government. Our message to him? The continued…

YES Scotland Faslane Blockaders Released

Five members of Trident Ploughshares and one Faslane Peace Camper were released from custody after 32 hours without being granted their day in court following their blockade of the Trident nuclear weapons base just five days after the Scottish independence…