Town Criers take Ban Treaty News to SOAS

Oyez, Oyez! TP Muriel Lesters and friends from LRCND, Japanese Against Nuclear/Kick Nuclear & At Ease, spread the good news about the current UN negotiations towards a Nuclear Weapons Ban Treaty. We leafleted at the International Conscientious Objectors Day commemoration…


A group of town criers has appeared in central London to proclaim the good news that negotiations are taking place at the United Nations towards a global ban on nuclear weapons. Their aim is to encourage the UK Government to…

Tell Boris Johnson to join Ban Treaty talks

On March 27th negotiations will begin at the UN on a nuclear weapons ban treaty. Write to the Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson, to ask him to engage constructively with the negotiations.    It has always been a key aspect of Trident…

Video of our action in House of Commons

When the Government called a vote on replacing the four British Trident submarines in July last year Trident Ploughshares activists visited the Central Lobby and sang throughout the debate – over six hours!! Although no filming or photography was allowed…

Court says nuclear convoys legal – painting roads not!

Anti-Nuke Activist Convicted for Road-Painting  A woman who painted the words ‘Stop the Deadly Convoys’ on a road near AWE Burghfield, has today been found guilty of unauthorised road-painting, and going equipped for criminal damage.  Mary Millington, 68, a retired…