Lockheed Martin’s UK Corporate Headquarters at Cunard House, 15 Lower Regent Street London, not Costa……..next door!
Lockheed Martin are partners with Serco and The Jacobs Engineering Group at the UK’s Atomic Weapons Establishment known as AWE. Work at AWE covers the entire life cycle of nuclear warheads; from initial concept, assessment and design, through to component manufacture and assembly, in-service support, and finally decommissioning and disposal.
The Trident Ploughshares Affinity Group, The Muriel Lesters who regularly draw attention to the nuclear weapon bomb making activities of Lockheed Martin will be outside the companies headquarters again on Monday 11th March and invite all to join them. Meet first at Eros, Piccadilly at 11.30am with banners and leaflets and progress to Lockheed Martin at 15 Lower Regent street.

The Muriel Lesters on a past visit to Lockheed Martin.
The Muriel Lesters will also have banners and leaflets remembering Fukushima at a candlelight vigil outside Japanese embassy at 5.30pm and House of Commons meeting 7.30 all on Monday organised by Japanese Against Nuclear, Kick Nuclear and CND.
Muriel Lester, the inspiration for the London based affinity groups name.