June 2016 protests – The Grand Finale – Thursday 30 June!


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Details coming soon, but please, if you’ve already taken part in the June month of protests , or haven’t been able to make it yet, come and take part in The Grand Finale! From 7.00am on Thursday 30th June people will be surrounding AWE Burghfield and putting a Red Line round it.

The environment, economy, public services, national and international security – Trident has a terrible destructive and negative impact on all of them. Government is going to spend over £200,000,000,000 of tax-payers money destroying all the things it should be protecting, now and for future generations – and that’s without actually using Trident or a having a nuclear accident.

There is no excuse for replacing Trident or upgrading it. It is useless – unusable. It is illegal and its existence prevents real security for the UK & the rest of the world.  Please join us on the 30th June and say NO to Trident!
