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Greenock 1999 Court Reports by day

Greenock 1999 Court Reports   Monday 27th Sep 1999 The lawyers made various requests and the Sheriff adjourned the court for the day. The lawyers and Angie then worked out how much of the Crown prosecution case they are going to agree…

Greenock – Defence notes of Angie Zelter

DEFENCE OF ANGIE ZELTER AT GREENOCK SHERIFF COURT TRIAL BEGAN ON 27th SEPTEMBER 1999 CHARGES:- ‘Angela Christine Zelter (DOB 5.6.51), Bodil Ulla Roder(DOB 24/8/54) and Ellen Moxley (DOB 12.3.35), all prisoners in HM Prison Cornton Vale, Stirling You are indicted…

Greenock 1999 Case Summary

Justice at Greenock On Thursday 21st October 1999 Sheriff Margaret Gimblet instructed the jury at Greenock Sheriff Court to acquit Angie Zelter, Ellen Moxley and Ulla Roder who had been charged with causing £80,000 damage to Maytime, a Trident-related acoustic…