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Transcript of Day One Monday, 9th October, 2000

LORD ADVOCATE’S REFERENCE in P E T I T I O N O F THE RIGHT HONOURABLE LORD HARDIE HER MAJESTY’S ADVOCATE in terms of Section 123 of the Criminal Procedure (Scotland) Act 1995 MONDAY, 9th OCTOBER, 2000 MR. DI…

Submission by Gerry Moynihan

12th October 2000 Gerry Moynihan is the amicus curiae (friend of the court) appointed by the court to ensure that Angie is not disadvantaged by representing herself. The ICJ Opinion and Lawfulness of Trident 2 – The Court considered nuclear…

Speech Notes by John Mayer on Question 2

John Mayer is the Advocate for Ulla Roder. These notes are answering Question 2 from the Lord Advocate’s Reference. In total four questions were asked of the High Court. Question 2: Does any rule of customary international law justify a…

Submission by Aidan O’Neill QC

INTRODUCTION 1.1 The present Statement of Argument on behalf of the Third Respondent is prepared having heard the Crown’s case set out by Mr. Di Rollo, Advocate, and the arguments put forward by the first respondent Ms. Zelter and by…

First and Second Submission to the Court of Angie Zelter

10th and 11th October and 16th and 17th November 2000 LORD ADVOCATE’S REFERENCE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICIARY ANSWERS for ANGIE ZELTER Respondent in the petition of THE RIGHT HONOURABLE, THE LORD HARDIE Her Majesty’s Advocate Petitioner in terms of Section…