Author: newtpsite

LAR: US International Lawyer’s Comments on the LAR Opinion

16. The court is wrong. The defendants did indeed contend that the mere bona fide belief that the government’s actions were criminal negated the specific criminal intent required here;–that they acted maliciously. The defense was not just necessity. Indeed, Sheriff…

LAR: Confusion Confounded: The High Court’s Opinion on the Lord Advocate’s Reference in the Greenock Case

Peter Weiss, April 2, 2001 “It has to be observed”, said the court in paragraph 56 of the opinion it handed down on March 30, 2001, “that there may be an important issue which is not disposed of” as a…

LAR: Statement of Argument by Angie Zelter

29th September 2000 IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICIARY LORD ADVOCATE’S REFERENCE STATEMENT OF ARGUMENT by Angie Zelter for the First Respondent to the Petition of THE RIGHT HONOURABLE THE LORD BOYD, Her Majesty’ Advocate PETITIONER in terms of Section…

LAR:The Unlawfulness of the United Kingdom’s Policy of Nuclear Deterrence: The Invalidity of the Scottish High Court’s Decision

By Charles Moxley Disarmament Diplomacy Issue No. 58, June 2001 Opinion and Analysis Introduction There is a sense in which the policy of deterrence presents the greatest barrier to the broad recognition of the unlawfulness of the use of nuclear…

LAR: Scottish High Court Ducks Trident Issue

Today the High Court of Justiciary in Scotland appears to have failed to take a good opportunity to challenge the illegality of the UK’s Trident nuclear weapon system when it answered in the negative four questions set by the Lord…