Author: newtpsite

Scottish High Court Hears that Trident is a Crime

11th October 2000 Today, before an attentive and engaged panel of judges at the High Court in Edinburgh, a peace activist has developed the case against the UK’s Trident nuclear weapon system, pointing out its devastating effects and the fact…

’Trident Three’ Member Tells High Court Trident is Illegal

10th October 2000 As the High Court in Edinburgh clarified that the hearing of the Lord Advocate’s Reference would be able to debate the central question – the legality of Trident – one of the respondents, Angie Zelter, has already…

LAR: High Court Trident Hearing Begins

9th October 2000 European Human Rights Issues Set Aside On the opening day of the hearing in a busy Edinburgh High Court of the Lord Advocate’s Reference of the “Trident Three” ruling in Greenock last year, the Crown has begun…

LAR: High Court in Contempt of Peace Kreb Dragonrider

LORD ADVOCATE’S REFERENCE Kreb Dragonrider’s Response to the ruling on the four questions of the Lord Advocate’s Reference given by Lords Prosser, Kirkwood, and Penrose at the High Court of the Justiciary Edinburgh, 30th April 2001 INTRODUCTION The Ruling on…

LAR: Alyn Ware, Lawyers’ Committee on Nuclear Policy

… As far as I see it, the illegality of deployment of nuclear weapons on the Trident is based on the following: The use of Trident weapons would be illegal in armed conflict as they are of a nature as…

LAR: TP Rebuttal To Scottish High Court Claim That Trident Deployment Is Not Illegal In Peacetime

9th April 2001 Deployment of UK Trident is illegal in peacetime because:   The use of Trident nuclear weapons would be illegal in armed conflict, because the explosive power of each warhead (100 kilotons, equivalent to 8 times that of the…