Author: newtpsite

Call to Trident Judges to Face the Obvious

17th November 2000 The Lord Advocate’s Reference, which has reviewed the Trident Three trial, has concluded today with the judgment expected in the next four to eight weeks. Amicus curiae Gerry Moynihan countered the Crown assertion that although the women…

Maytime Disarmer Challenges High Court to Declare Trident Illegal

16th November 2000 At the continuing hearing in the High Court in Edinburgh of the Lord Advocate’s Reference, which is reviewing the trial of the Trident Three, Angie Zelter, in her second submission to the court, has issued a strong…

Britain Must Obey International Law on Trident

15th November 2000 In the seventh day of the hearing of the Lord Advocate’s Reference of the Trident Three ruling in the High Court in Edinburgh, a Queen’s Counsel has been arguing that both the British government and the British…

Scottish High Court Told UK Nuclear Threat is Real

14th November 2000 Nuremberg Principles Give Activists Right to Intervene As the hearing of the Lord Advocate’s Reference resumed today in the High Court in Edinburgh, Advocate John Mayer, on behalf of Trident Three member Ulla Roder, has been arguing…

Historic Nuclear Weapons Case Adjourned

13th October 2000 After five days, the hearing in the High Court in Edinburgh of the Lord Advocate’s Reference of the trial and acquittal of three nuclear disarmers in Greenock last year, has been adjourned until Tuesday 14th November for…

Trident Illegal, Claims QC

12th October 2000 Judge Refers to “Forked Tongues” of Politicians Gerry Moynihan QC, amicus curiae with the role of providing support to Angie Zelter, who is representing herself, today continued his submission to the High Court at the hearing of…