Author: newtpsite

Skeleton Argument for Angie Zelter

LORD ADVOCATE’S REFERENCE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICIARY SKELETON ANSWERS for ANGIE ZELTER Respondent   in the petition of THE RIGHT HONOURABLE, THE LORD HARDIE Her Majesty’s Advocate Petitioner in terms of Section 123 of the Criminal Procedure (Scotland) Act 1995…

Transcript of Day Six Tuesday, 14th November, 2000

–>LORD ADVOCATE’S REFERENCE in P E T I T I O N O F THE RIGHT HONOURABLE LORD HARDIE HER MAJESTY’S ADVOCATE in terms of Section 123 of the Criminal Procedure (Scotland) Act 1995 TUESDAY, 14th NOVEMBER, 2000 LORD PROSSER:…

Transcript of Day Five Friday, 13th October, 2000

FRIDAY, 13th NOVEMBER, 2000 LORD PROSSER: There is one other matter I want to take you to and ask again Mr. Moynihan, there is one matter that I wanted to raise. I appreciate that in our search over what is…

Transcript of Day Four Thursday, 12th October, 2000

THURSDAY, 12th OCTOBER, 2000 LORD PROSSER: Mr. Moynihan before you start I am thinking about some of the points which you may have been moving on from, questions which I think the kind of things are sort of clarification or…

Transcript of Day Three Wednesday, 11th October, 2000

WEDNESDAY, 11th OCTOBER, 2000 LORD PROSSER: Miss Zelter, before I ask you to continue there are just a couple of things I think it would be easier to raise at this stage. You gave us what we called a big…