Author: newtpsite

Angie Zelters Witness Statement in Derby 2006

TP Defences in Court Defence of Angie Zelter at Derby on 5th September 2006 Witness Statement. Name, address, age, peace and environmental campaigner. Founder Member of TP a campaign to disarm the British nuclear weapons system by peaceful and nonviolent…

Angie Zelters Defence in Derby

Legal Argument I will be putting several defences before the court.   AN INTERNATIONAL LAW DEFENCE that authorises me to act in order to prevent the commission of crimes recognised under international law;   THE COMMON LAW DEFENCE OF COERCION…

Legal Documents and Articles – needs linked pages writing

References Used in the Greenock Trial Summary of Nuclear Weapon Accidents by Angie Zelter [Aug 1999] Nuclear Weapons and the Law by Lord Murray [Oct 1998] General Lee Butler Addresses The Canadian Network Against Nuclear Weapons [1998] The Criminality of…

Loch Goil Action and Greenock 1999 Trial – needs link pages writing

The ’Trident Three’ after their acquittal. Left:Ulla Roder, Centre:Angie Zelter, Right:Ellen Moxley. Loch Goil Action Media Factsheet   The Pheasants’ Union Outing to Loch Goil – A short report on the Disarmament Action Greenock 1999 Joint Statement of ’Loch Goil…

Loch Goil and Greenock Trial Evidence given by Rebecca Johnston

Report of Proceedings Sheriff Court, Greenock Sheriff M. Gimblett, and a Jury H.M. ADVOCATE v. ANGELA CHRISTINA ZELTER, BODIL ULLA RODER and ELLEN MOXLEY Monday, 18th October 1999 APPEARING:- Mr. D. Webster, Procurator-Fiscal, for the Crown; Mrs. A. Zelter, First…

Greenock 1999 Evidence given by Professor Francis Boyle

Report of Proceedings Sheriff Court, Greenock   Sheriff M. Gimblett, and a Jury H.M. ADVOCATE v. ANGELA CHRISTINA ZELTER, BODIL ULLA RODER and ELLEN MOXLEY Friday, 1st October 1999. Fifth Day. APPEARING:- Mr. D. Webster, Procurator-Fiscal, for the Crown; Mrs.…