Author: newtpsite

Angie Zelter’s Adjusted Case Stated

From Angie Zelter to Susan Mair, District Court 29/10/98. Dear Clerk, Ref:- HELENSBURGH DISTRICT COURT – 22nd SEPTEMBER 1998. ADJUSTED DRAFT STATED CASE. Thank-you for your letter of 13/10/98 which stated that I must propose any adjustments I wish to…

Hans Lammerant’s Stated Case

ARGYLL & BUTE DISTRICT COURT Clerk: SUSAN MAIR Telephone No. (01546) 604146 Fax No. (01546) 604377 E-mail address: KILMORY LOCHGILPHEAD ARGYLL PA31 BRT DX No: 599700 Our Ref: GDDCH/NR3959 Your Ref: 30 November 1998 Mr Hans P M Lammerant…

Appeal Court Opinion in Stated Case of Helen John

APPEAL COURT, HIGH COURT OF JUSTICIARY OPINION OF THE COURT delivered by LORD COULSFIELD in STATED CASE in causa HELEN JOHN, against PROCURATOR FISCAL, Dumbarton Appellant: Shead; Clark Ferguson Respondent: S. Cathcart, A.D.; Crown Agent Lord Coulsfield Lord Milligan Lord…

Brian Quail: A Powerful Response To The LAR On Trident

 14th June 2001, Edinburgh High Court On 14th June 2001 before three judges in the Scottish Appeal Court Brian Quail appealed against his convictions for anti-Trident actions dating back to 1998. This is the statement he gave to the Court.…

Smith v Donnelly

High Court of Justiciary LORDS COULSFIELD, OSBORNE AND CAPLAN SCOTS LAW TIMES: ISSUE 27: 31-8-2001   Justiciary – Crime – Breach of the peace – Anti-nuclear protester lying in road in front of military base – Whether definition of crime…