Author: newtpsite

Maire-Colette Wilkie’s challenge on discrimination-needs linking pages

PRELIMINARY PLEA OF OBJECTION TO COMPETENCY Statement to Helensburgh District Court on ‘Devolution Issue’. Maire-Colette Wilkie, Tuesday 22nd June 2004 Preliminary Plea of Objection to Competency Part 1: Introduction. Part 2: My Grounds for Raising this Devolution Issue Part 3:…

Devonport Correspondence

From Angie Zelter to Plymouth Magistrates Court 7 June 2002 Dear Sir, I am acting for myself and have been charged with an offence under s.137(1) of the Highways Act 1980. My case came before Plymouth District Magistrates’ Court on…

Prof Paul Rogers Witness Statement

A Note on British Nuclear Forces, May 2002 Origins Britain commenced its nuclear weapons programme shortly after the end of the Second World War and tested a fission (atom) bomb in October 1952 and a fusion (hydrogen) bomb in May…

Argument Of Angie Zelter At Preliminary Hearing

On 17/5/02 At Plymouth Magistrates Court [1] I will be using the following arguments/legal defences:- i) I had lawful authority or excuse, backed up by the European Convention of Human Rights (in this respect I shall be adopting the arguments…

Skeleton Argument Of Angie Zelter

Plymouth District Magistrates’ Court, 17 May 2002 LIST OF AUTHORITIES Hirst and Agu v The Chief Constable of W.Yorks. Police 1986 [85 Cr.App.R.143] Nagy v Weston 1965 Declaration of St. Petersburg, 1868 Martens Clause, 1899 Hague Conventions, 1907 U.N. Charter,…

Skeleton argument on behalf of Ms Sue Brackenbury

Plymouth District Magistrates’ Court, 17 May 2002 1. Ms Brackenbury (SB) is charged with wilfully obstructing the highway without lawful authority or excuse, contrary to s.137(1) of the Highways Act 1980. Existing authorities establish that the question is whether, in…