LAP supporters gathered on Friday 12th July at the FMH in Norwich in the evening, Some had never met each other before so it was good to eat together and make some final preparations for the next day. About 10…
TP has joined the newly formed Lakenheath Alliance for Peace (LAP). LAP is a coalition of groups that is dedicated to preventing the return of US Nuclear weapons to USAF Lakenheath. It is committed to nonviolent direct action for a…
On Friday 8th December 2023, the UN Security Council voted on a draft resolution that would have demanded an immediate humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza, and immediate and unconditional release of all hostages. There were 13 votes in favour, I abstention…
I, Angie Zelter, of Larch House, Knucklas, Powys, LD71PN believe there is a serious constitutional crisis taking place in our courts. For this reason I am standing outside the Inner London Crown Court, on 15th May 2023, to remind Jurors…