International Fast and Days of Action for Nuclear Disarmament 6-9 August 2019

You are invited to join the DAYS OF ACTION, which take place in commemoration of the bomb genocides on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. We call for an end to nuclear weapons.
From the 6h to the 9th of August Trident Ploughshares organizes several days of direct action in central London, which will incorporate the annual international fast.
We want to reveal the British Government’s failure to support the UN treaty for prohibiting nuclear weapons globally.
Our actions and presence will take place around the Ministry of Defense, Downing Street and Westminster.
We reach out to the public, the media, the authorities and   our fasting comrades in other places of this world.
We will show our active concern on the immorality, illegality and futile consequences of the teaching, making, buying, having, storing, and decommissioning of Trident.
Accommodation will be provided from Monday evening to Friday morning. Join us in action, in fasting, or both.
Trident Ploughshares is a campaign to disrupt and disarm the UK nuclear weapons system in a non-violent, open, peaceful and fully accountable manner.
Info and Contact: