Join us in June – AWE Burghfield month of action!

June 2016 – a month of continuous direct action to disrupt nuclear weapons production and protest at £150+ billion of public money being spent on new ones which will be obsolete before they are built and a threat to national and global security.

Plans to disrupt the manufacture of the UK’s nuclear weapons at their production site – AWE Burghfield, Berkshire, by groups of people from all over the UK and Europe who are protesting about the renewal of the Trident nuclear weapons system are looking good. Trident Ploughshares has been joined by a variety of groups who are taking nonviolent direct action throughout June 2016

Currently, thirteen groups of people are making arrangements to get to Burghfield in Berkshire, UK,  throughout the month,  to protest and disrupt the illegal activities at the nuclear warhead factory. The list of groups and dates they will be at the factory, with their contact details and individual messages are here,

More people are needed. There are dates still to be covered. Can you get a group together to join the month of actions on a specific date – or can you get there to support/assist groups already planning their day? Practical help is needed, witnesses are needed. There is plenty that people who don’t want to risk arrest can do to help keep the protests going and growing throughout the month.

An ‘Introduction to the month of nonviolent direct action at AWE Burghfield in June 2016‘ is here:

The full collection of briefing documents for the month of action is here

Please email for more info or discussion.

We look forward to hearing from you,

Trident Ploughshares.